The composition of chocolate is so necessary skin, vitamins and oils that moisturize, tone, nourish and rejuvenate it.

First micro peeling is conducted and only after that the massage. Range of proposed crab is great, but chocolate is best combined with specially prepared coffee scrub. Coffee oil and other therein nutrients effectively rejuvenate the skin and slow the aging process.

Micro peeling needed to cleanse the skin of dead skin cells, improving blood flow to the upper layer of the skin for better absorption of its nutrients.

On clean skin impose chocolate. Thanks to the peculiarities of chocolate, when used as a massage tool, achieved the effect of the deepest relaxation.

After the massage, body wrap and chocolate continues its amazing effect, saturating the skin with essential nutrients, trace elements and vitamins B, A, E and K.

PRICE: 60 MIN 60€
PRICE: 90 MIN 81€